Sharing some free printables for MLK Day. Today is not just another day off from school. Today, we honor Reverend Martin Luther King’s birthday and what he and other civil rights leaders have fought for. I made a few printable activities for my kids to observe this day of importance. They are all free to download below. Hope your kids enjoy!
There is a letter formation worksheet for preschoolers as it is never too early to introduce amazing historical figures while learning how to correctly write your letters M, L, and K.

This worksheet is best printed out, placed in a laminated pouch for repeat practice with a dry erase marker. You can also use playdough to encourage your young learner how to form the letters of Dr. King’s initials or small manipulatives like mini marshmallows or Cheerios. My kids have also enjoyed using highlighters, fun pencils and pens, as well as dot markers.
In the spirit of Dr. King, there is also a writing activity where your child is asked to write about a change they would like to see in our current world and encouraged to think of a peaceful solution.

Your child may also enjoy:
Letter and Number Formation Workbooks
More Writing Activities for Kids
I create more printable activities for kids here with the goal of helping to grow kids who love to learn.
If you use these printables in your home or classroom, I would love to see it! Please use #sodangfun on social media, tag me @sodangfun on Instagram, or post to my Facebook page.
Happy MLK Day!