
Christmas Crafts for Kids

Happy Holidays! Today I wanted to share three simple crafts that my kids have enjoyed making this season. They all take minimal preparation, inexpensive supplies, and were enjoyed tremendously by my kids ages 2-9. Hope they can help to add a little peace and joy to your family as well!

This file is best printed out onto regular paper and used as a template to create pool noodle snowflakes. Simply slice a white pool noodle into approximately 1 inch diameter discs using a knife and cutting board. Place your pool noodle onto the center circle in the template and make slits where each line intersects the circle. Your child can either paint popsicle sticks white or wrap them with white yarn (my kids did both) and then insert them into the slits, placing another pool noodle disc to the other end of the popsicle sticks. Hang to the ceiling with fishing wire. We also strung up some mini marshmallows as snow. With a one dollar pool noodle, we were able to create five large snowflakes to help add a bit of simple fun to our playroom. The second template included can be used to create perfectly spaced popsicle stick snowflakes. My kids love painting and adding sequins and glitter to their painted snowflakes before they dry. They also make wonderful manipulatives for early math.

This file is best printed out onto white cardstock and given to your child to decorate, cut, and assemble. Two puppets print to a page. You can either use a small hole punch or a sharpened pencil to make a hole in the center of each spot that is marked with a letter x, then your elves are ready to assemble with small brads. So much fun imaginative play and mischief may ensue! These puppets would also be cute with the addition of a photo of your child’s face in place of the elves’ faces.

This file is best printed out onto white cardstock and given to your child to cut and paste the pieces onto a brown paper bag. If making these for a classroom or party, it is best to use this as a template to cut out a pile of construction paper to create an easy and quick activity set up. For a large group setting, I like to have all the pieces arranged on a chip tray ready for the kids to assemble and include little scissors and construction paper scraps to see what else they will come up with. My daughter added presents and carrots for her reindeer to carry.

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I create more printable activities for kids here with the goal of helping to grow kids who love to learn.

If you get a chance to try these Christmas crafts, I would love to see it! Please use #sodangfun on social media, tag me @sodangfun on Instagram, or post to my Facebook page.

Wishing you and your family a magical and memorable holiday! Merry Christmas!