
Easter Countdown for Kids

Count down to Easter with this easy and fun printable. It is free to download below for personal use. Hope it can be helpful and fun for your family or classroom!

This file is best printed out onto cardstock and given to your kids to glue on cotton balls, covering each day as you count down towards Easter together. The day before Easter, you should have a fluffy bunny similar to the one pictured below. This was a fun way to help answer, how many more days Mom?!

We also made these super easy and fun pool noodle carrots by rolling cut up pieces of orange pool noodles in rectangular pieces of plastic orange tablecloth, scrunching the ends into the holes at the top and bottom of the pool noodles, and then scrunching some more pieces of green plastic tablecloth into the hole on top. We inserted wooden chopsticks randomly into our front yard and then the kids “planted” their pool noodle carrots to help attract the Easter Bunny to our house.

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I create more printable activities for kids here with the goal of helping to grow kids who love to learn.

If you use these printables or make these pool noodle carrots, I would love to see it! Please use #sodangfun on social media, tag me @sodangfun on Instagram, or post to my Facebook page.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter!