Presidents’ Day Coloring Pages
Today I wanted to share some coloring pages I recently made for my kids to help observe Presidents’ Day. They feature my doodles of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as well as some of my favorite quotes from them. They are free to download below for personal, single classroom, or library use.

These coloring pages are just a simple way to help spark conversations about these remarkable leaders, what they believed in, and what they hoped and accomplished for our nation.
I also updated the printable coins I made last year to include regular size coins for kids to color and cut.

We laminate these coins to use in the kids’ pretend kitchen play as well as for coin hunts and muffin tin sort and match activities. They are available for download below.
If you are interested in the printable set of larger than life coins that I made last year, they can be downloaded here.
Your child may also enjoy:
Election Activities for Kids (Includes President Acrostic Poem, Campaign Posters, and Pins)
I create more printable activities for kids here with the goal of helping to grow kids who love to learn.
If you use these printables in your home or classroom, I would love to see it! Please use #sodangfun on social media, tag me @sodangfun on Instagram, or post to my Facebook page.
Wishing you a wonderful Presidents’ Day!