Memorial Day Crafts and Coloring for Kids
Happy Memorial Day! Hope everyone has been enjoying their long weekend thus far! The kids have been crafting and coloring, helping me to decorate. I wanted to share some of the projects we have been working on together. They are all very simple to create using the printables below, a few craft supplies, and some items from the pantry. Hope they can be fun for your kids as well! I made some simple coloring pages that can be given to kids to color and hang to decorate. My kids really enjoy coloring and even hum when they color. They love displaying them for different holidays and occasions as well. The…
Fourth of July
If you need some low prep, kid friendly activities for the fourth, I’ve got you covered! I have a free coloring sheet as well as printables that you can use to create patriotic wands and/or party blowers, and United States lacing cards. They are all free to download below. Hope they can help to add some simple fun to your Fourth of July celebration! My kids love coloring… so much that you can actually hear them hum while they color. Print this out and encourage your kids to decorate a cake for our nation’s birthday. I paired the coloring sheets with a tray of various crayons, markers, and stickers and…