
  • Kids

    Easy Leprechaun Trap

    My kindergartener came home recently with an assignment to construct a leprechaun trap. I wanted a project that she could do mostly on her own with some guidance using our recyclables and what craft supplies we already had on hand. We had so much fun crafting this together! Little sister who is three, also was able to complete most of the steps herself. I made some printable trap signs that are free to download below and have outlined our steps as carefully as possible in case your little ones would also like to try to catch a leprechaun. Here are all the supplies we used: construction paper, an empty Capri…

  • Kids

    Jawa Class Valentines

    Do you have a huge Star Wars fan? My oldest loves anything Star Wars. This year he turned a Capri Sun box into a sandcrawler to house his class valentines. He also made Jawa peg dolls completely on his own and he helped me to design these Jawa inspired class valentines which we thought were too good not to share. Hope your young padawans will also agree! This file is best printed out onto white 110 lb cardstock then cut around the border to create six tags. They can be hole punched on top and tied to little treats. You can also slide a valentine pencil or glow stick (light…

  • Kids

    Super Bowl Printables for Kids

    If you are looking for something for the kids to do on Super Bowl Sunday, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you are gearing up to root for the Chiefs or the 49ers, here are some activities I made so the kids can join in the fun as well. Hope it can be useful for your family too! (This post has been updated for 2024) This file includes six pages of coloring fun. Kids can color signs for the team they are rooting for and hang to display for game day. They can review a little geography, finding and coloring in the Chiefs’ and 49er’s home states as well…

  • Kids

    Cat and Rabbit Lantern Crafts

    Today I wanted to share these fun paper lanterns I recently made with my kids to help decorate for the upcoming Lunar New Year that will begin on Sunday, January 22. The Vietnamese zodiac usually coincides with the Chinese zodiac however this year marks the beginning of the year of the cat for Vietnamese families and the year of the rabbit for Chinese, Indonesian, Malaysian, Korean, and Singaporean families. For Korean families, it’s actually the year of the black rabbit. As I want to teach my kids about inclusion, we created both cat and rabbit lanterns. All you need is some construction paper or colored cardstock, the free printable templates…

  • Kids

    Election Pins and Campaign Posters

    Today my kids have the day off from school for the midterm elections. I created some printable election pins and campaign posters for them. For the past few months they have been curious as we have seen so many campaign signs and also have received many political fliers in the mail. I thought it would be fun for them to have a chance to make their own pitch and campaign slogans. They are all available to download for free below. Hope they can be fun for your family or classroom to complete as well. The election pins are best printed out onto white cardstock for more durability. The kids wrote…

  • Kids

    Pool Noodle Dragon Boats

    Looking for a simple, inexpensive, and fun craft with some open ended creativity? We recently made these dragon boats out of pool noodles and the kids had a blast designing their own then testing them to see if they could float. All you need is a pool noodle, some adhesive foam sheets, and the template that is free to download below. Hope you will give these a try with your kids! This template is best printed out onto regular paper and used as a template to cut out onto pieces of adhesive foam in varying colors. To make the dragon boat body, I cut pool noodles into roughly 8 inch…

  • Kids

    Star Wars Worksheets for Kids

    Are you looking for some fun themed worksheets for your kids? I am a big believer that worksheets can actually be fun and engaging especially if you take advantage of your child’s current interests. They also make for a quick and low prep activity. Just print and pass out to get kids excited to work on their math and literacy skills. My toddler (age 2 and a half) is currently working on number recognition so I made this BB-8 inspired worksheet for her. She did well, not so much coloring within the lines, but was able to recognize all her eights, and only once mixed up a three for an…

  • Kids

    Earth Day Coloring Pages

    Here are a few coloring pages to help observe Earth Day. They feature a happy can, drop of water, and tree along with some helpful reminders as really everyday we should be striving to live more sustainably. They are free to download below. Hope your kids enjoy! After coloring, we hung up this sign on our pull out trash can as a gentle reminder. We hung this sign up in our bathroom by the sink. My kids really enjoyed these coloring pages and my oldest two were excited to carry a pile to distribute to their classmates today. We also made this simple craft out of a giant punch balloon,…

  • Kids

    Read Across America Week

    Next week, my kids have a week long schedule of fun themed activities and dress up at school to celebrate Read Across America Week. It is a week that has been established to encourage children to read as well as to honor Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Recently, there has been a move not to associate this day with Dr. Seuss as some of his work has been criticized for not being inclusive. In fact, Dr. Seuss’ Enterprise has stopped publishing six of his books due to some insensitive imagery but fortunately these books are not banned. Regardless of your thoughts, this day shouldn’t be demoted to bickering over censorship or politics…

  • Kids

    Super Bowl LVI Printables for Kids

    Super Bowl LVI is coming up this weekend! Whether you are gearing up to root for the Bengals or the Rams or are just really looking forward to the food (my husband) and commercials (my kids), here are some printable activities I recently made so the kids can join in the fun as well. This file includes six pages of coloring fun. Kids can color signs for the team they are rooting for and hang to display for game day. They can review a little geography, finding and coloring in the Bengals’ and Rams’ home states as well as learn their roman numerals 1-56. My kids also made more articulated…